
Thanks for visiting my website. Yes, it looks all janky and retro on purpose

I'm a writer, actor, photographer & filmmaker. This site contains links to all of my works, available for free, because I am more concerned with sharing my creativity than with profiting off of it. Still, you're free to drop me a tip.

The extras page has a little bit of this and that, basically a junk drawer with other stuff you may want to check out.

I also maintain a large link collection for "classic" web, or "oldweb" pages as well as links to just plain old useful or fun websites. If you're interested in the oldweb you can try the search engine Wiby.


Book title
Download link
Sherlock Holmes Monster Hunter
(ebook) (audiobook)
A Case Most Peculiar
Call me Ogi
The Futureman Adventures #1 - It Came from Tomorrow
comedy scifi
(ebook) (audiobook)
The Futureman Adventures #2 - Future Tales and Other Such Rubbish
comedy scifi
(ebook) (audiobook)
Rocket Riders of the 27th Century #1 - No Time Like the Future
retro scifi
(ebook) (audiobook)
Rocket Riders of the 27th Century #2 - Where the Stars Fall
retro scifi
(ebook) (audiobook)
Rocket Riders of the 27th Century #3 - The Yesterday Dilemma
retro scifi
(ebook) (audiobook)
Rocket Riders of the 27th Century #4 - Omnibus
retro scifi
(ebook) (audiobook)
Rocket Riders of the 27th Century (special edition comic) - Rite of Passage
scifi comic

Download full pack!

Support me by buying my books on Amazon, Smashwords.


My Flickr catalog


Vampire Sun - my drone metal band



My IMDB page
Dr. Moreau's Funtime Bunker (youtube channel)



Visit my Artstation gallery

Old Web

Old Web directory >>>



I'm a Louisiana native of primarily french descent. I've always been a fan of genre fiction; science fiction, fantasy, paranormal, etc... I'm big into cryptozoology, which is the study of as-yet unproven to exist animals. As of the writing of this about section I have ten published books but have retired from writing for the foreseeable future in order to focus on other projects, and on my family.

I am currently focusing on my photography, and our family YouTube channel.In addition I am trying my hand at drone metal music in the form of Dragonstar.

